
Connect With Other Adults

"We are a gospel centered church making disciples of Jesus Christ." This means that everything we do is centered on and fueled by the Gospel and is aimed at making, maturing, and multiplying disciples of Jesus. A disciple is someone who strives to live all of life all for Jesus—taking captive every thought, attitude, and action—and submitting fully to the Lordship of Christ. Here at Waypoint Church, we are committed to walk with God's people in growth, care, and equipping them for the work of the ministry. Discipleship can happen in many different ways. We believe that the most effective way for a disciple to be formed is in the context of community—smaller groups of people committed to helping one another live all of life all for Jesus. We can't wait to go on this journey with you!

Something for Everyone.

Life Groups

Our Life Groups meet in homes throughout the week and are aimed at helping followers of Jesus grow in their knowledge of Christ, provide Biblical care for one another, and live life together on mission. Our Life Group leaders are trained to cultivate an environment where deep and authentic community can take place.

Registration for the current semester is closed. 

1:1 Discipleship

The gospel story invites all of us to join the church’s mission to make, mature, and multiply disciples of Jesus. The truth is many followers of Jesus have never experienced being a disciple or making a disciple. 1:1 Discipleship is this experience! It is designed to create discipleship relationships that help us to discover God, nurture our hearts with the gospel, and act on the gospel story in the everyday stuff of life. If you would like to join the 1:1 movement, please sign up below!

Core Classes

Core Classes are designed to lay a theological foundation and supplement your spiritual growth by teaching truths that every well-formed disciple needs to know. Core Classes are 5–10 weeks long, taught in a classroom environment, and open to anyone. Our worship of God and love for others is fueled by understanding who God is, who He has created us to be, and how we can be on mission in life. Core Classes teach these truths in a systematic and clear way.

The Table

Ladies! You’re invited to The Table: a once-a-month Monday night gathering for women of all ages! Come for connection and conversation as we learn to apply the gospel to our everyday lives.


Are you in your 20’s or 30’s and looking for an authentic community? You have found the right place!

Young Adult Collective is a ministry for college students, young professionals, and anyone 18-35. We gather on the third Tuesday of every month for worship, opening God's Word, and intentional time to connect with one another.

Additionally, we have Young Adult specific Life Groups that meet weekly. You can register to join one of these groups, see all of our upcoming events and find answers to your questions by clicking below!

Men's Hangout

Men – You are invited to connect, learn and grow alongside other guys from our community. We have designed events all year long to develop of a culture of brotherhood. Save the following dates in your calendar!

Waypoint Leadership Institute

WLI is a structured approach to leadership development for anyone who desires to be more faithful and fruitful as they serve in the local church. The curriculum and scope of Waypoint Leadership Institute will provide a theological foundation, a deep evaluation of spiritual gifting, expose you to leadership environments, practical ministry opportunities and access to mentorship. WLI will prepare you for deep service and help build confidence to take the next step as a disciple who is making other disciples. WLI has 3 tracks. Click below to learn more about our pipeline to develop healthy church members and future church leaders and pastors. 

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adults ministry offers classes on Sundays, a Wednesday afternoon Bible study, monthly Young at Heart events, and special trips and activities. 

Meet the Team

View Full Staff List

Scott Grossenbacher

St. Charles Campus Pastor

Jared Martin

Discipleship Minister

Mag Somheil

Connections Director


Work Entry